Tuesday 2 April 2024

2024: I Have Plans

So at some point I decided that I wanted to release a few small parser games set in the same universe as Killing Machine Loves Slime Prince. Which I think will qualify as the first time I've ever done a sort-of sequel?!

It took me a while to get started, but I'm now quite a way into making a new game... And actually, I'm not sure exactly how small it really is any more. (A blurry, cropped version of the map is presented above...)

It's also my aim to post here about once a month, just with an update on how things are going.

See you at the Event Horizon, denizen!

Friday 25 August 2023

I'm still working out what I'm doing with this blog - should I give it a new coat of paint, replace it with something else, or just keep it chugging along like it is currently?

Either way, since it's here, I guess I'll post about my new parser game:


You can play it online here.

I posted about it in more detail on the intfiction forum and my tumblr.

And I commissioned the awesome art from nsjndd1.

Friday 18 August 2023

The IFDB pages for Snowblind Aces and Six-Chamber Champion have now been updated with working links to play them online.

Tuesday 8 August 2023

Still trying to get back into things, I've put together a Neocities page with (almost) all my games on it:


This has helped me realise that two of my older games, Snowblind Aces and Six-Chamber Champion, have fallen off the internet. I've submitted them both to the IF Archive, so hopefully we can rectify that in a little while...

Monday 24 July 2023

If you liked my last post linking to something I wrote about a game from 2017... here's another one.

Monday 10 July 2023

If you're interested in my in-depth thoughts on the narrator from a 2017 parser game, you can find them here.